Saturday, 25 February 2023

2 Easy raspberrypi Pico Projects (temperature and music)

from machine import ADC from time import sleep tempsensor = ADC(4) conversion_factor = 3.3 / (65535) # Conversion from Pin read to proper voltage while True: currentvoltage = tempsensor.read_u16() * conversion_factor temp = 27 - ((currentvoltage - 0.706)/0.001721) print(str(currentvoltage) + " : " + str(temp)) sleep(2) # # ======================================================================== from machine import PWM, Pin from time import sleep MusicNotes = {"B0": 31, "C1": 33,"CS1": 35,"D1": 37,"DS1": 39,"E1": 41,"F1": 44,"FS1": 46,"G1": 49,"GS1": 52,"A1": 55,"AS1": 58,"B1": 62, "C2": 65,"CS2": 69,"D2": 73,"DS2": 78,"E2": 82,"F2": 87,"FS2": 93,"G2": 98,"GS2": 104,"A2": 110,"AS2": 117,"B2": 123,"C3": 131,"CS3": 139, "D3": 147,"DS3": 156,"E3": 165,"F3": 175,"FS3": 185,"G3": 196,"GS3": 208,"A3": 220,"AS3": 233,"B3": 247,"C4": 262,"CS4": 277,"D4": 294, "DS4": 311,"E4": 330,"F4": 349,"FS4": 370,"G4": 392,"GS4": 415,"A4": 440,"AS4": 466,"B4": 494,"C5": 523,"CS5": 554,"D5": 587,"DS5": 622, "E5": 659,"F5": 698,"FS5": 740,"G5": 784,"GS5": 831,"A5": 880,"AS5": 932,"B5": 988,"C6": 1047,"CS6": 1109,"D6": 1175,"DS6": 1245,"E6": 1324, "F6": 1397,"FS6": 1480,"G6": 1568,"GS6": 1661,"A6": 1760,"AS6": 1865,"B6": 1976,"C7": 2093,"CS7": 2217,"D7": 2349,"DS7": 2489,"E7": 2637, "F7": 2794,"FS7": 2960,"G7": 3136,"GS7": 3322,"A7": 3520,"AS7": 3729,"B7": 3951,"C8": 4186,"CS8": 4435,"D8": 4699,"DS8": 4978} mario = ["E7", "E7", "0", "E7", "0", "C7", "E7", "0", "G7", "0", "0", "0", "G6", "0", "0", "0", "C7", "0", "0", "G6", "0", "0", "E6", "0", "0", "A6", "0", "B6", "0", "AS6", "A6", "0", "G6", "E7", "0", "G7", "A7", "0", "F7", "G7", "0", "E7", "0","C7", "D7", "B6", "0", "0", "C7", "0", "0", "G6", "0", "0", "E6", "0", "0", "A6", "0", "B6", "0", "AS6", "A6", "0", "G6", "E7", "0", "G7", "A7", "0", "F7", "G7", "0", "E7", "0","C7", "D7", "B6", "0", "0"] hotcrossedbuns = ["E3", "0", "D3", "0", "C3", "0", "S", "E3", "0", "D3", "0", "C3", "0", "S", "C3", "C3", "C3", "C3", "D3", "D3", "D3", "D3", "S", "E3", "0", "D3", "0", "C3", "0"] speaker = PWM(Pin(13)) blueled = Pin(12, Pin.OUT) redled = Pin(11, Pin.OUT) def playnote(Note, Duration): if Note == "0": sleep(Duration) if Note == "S": speaker.duty_u16(0) sleep(Duration) elif Note != "0": speaker.duty_u16(0) sleep(0.05) blueled.toggle() redled.toggle() speaker.duty_u16(1500) speaker.freq(MusicNotes[Note]) sleep(Duration) blueled.high() redled.low() for c in hotcrossedbuns: playnote(c, 0.2) sleep(1) for c in mario: playnote(c, 0.4) speaker.duty_u16(0) # #

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