Wednesday, 26 April 2023

CoreElectronics 1: Connecting to the Internet

# A simple example that: # - Connects to a WiFi Network defined by "ssid" and "password" # - Performs a GET request (loads a webpage) # - Queries the current time from a server import network # handles connecting to WiFi import urequests # handles making and servicing network requests import utime # Connect to network wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) # Fill in your network name (ssid) and password here: ssid = 'xxxxx' password = 'xxxxx' wlan.connect(ssid, password) # Example 1. Make a GET request for and print HTML # Print the html content from print("1. Querying") r = urequests.get("") print(r.content) r.close() # Example 2. urequests can also handle basic json support! Let's get the current time from a server print("\n\n2. Querying the current GMT+0 time:") r = urequests.get("") # Server that returns the current GMT+0 time. #print the tuple print(r.json()) # Get the 'date and time' value from the JSON response date_str = r.json()['date'] time_str = r.json()['time'][:-3] # Remove the last 3 characters (' PM' or ' AM') # Print only the time part print("Today's date GMT+0 is ", date_str.split(' ')) print("Current time GMT+0 is ",time_str.split(' ')) #Adding [0] will remove the [AM/PM] string # #

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